Wednesday, March 9, 2011

living on venus

Dear Mommy

I been living here on venus for alittle over a year (earth years) the days and nights is sooo long here one day here is almost a year on earth! so im actually only on day 2 here but to you i been here over a year! I have to use a blind fold just to go to sleep for half da year! then for half da year its totally dark! crazy huh?  its not as hot as mercury but its still pretty hot here and den for the half the year its dark its freezing! I miss home there is all kinda of volcanos here! its scary! i miss you and hope to see you soon

aliene on mercury

i fink if der was an alien on mercury it would have to be really tiny so it could hide from da sun under rocks and stuff and it would eat iron out of da dirt so it would need like a special horn or someting dat would let it find and take out da iron from da ground. i fink it would be white cuz white reflects light i fink. and it heart would be made of metal so da sun couldnt cook it. and its skin would be like touch as nails so it wouldnt be sunburnt all da times.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mercury postcard

Dear Mommy
My times here on mercury has been awful. during da day is soooo hot and during da night it soooo cold but da cool ting is from time to time we see des explosions on da sun and its really prettyful but ah can you comes and get me now cuz i miss earth.
Love your sunburnt daughter,