Friday, February 25, 2011

fat questions for snow white and rose red

Describe the sisterly bond between Snow White and Rose Red.
dey is like twins only they like differant stuff and one is red and one is white but they have a bond like twins or best friends

How is the story similar/different to the modern Snow White?
umm other than the girls name and that there was one dawrf in the story there really isnt much that is da same. its not even da same kinda story line except they live happy ever after.

fat questions for little golden hood

How were Golden Hood's instructions from her mother different from Little Red's? Do you think they're any better/worse?
From what i understand in "red" the mother seemed to care more about the bottle of wine breaking than the safety of her daughter. In "golden" the mother didn't want her wasting time talking to anyone but i think it was more for her safety not to talk to strangers, so the second one is better cuz it teaches you not to stop and talk to anyone.

How is the wolf's end different from the Andrew Lang's version of Little Red Riding Hood? Is this how you would have ended the story? Explain
Well the idea behind the story is not to talk to strangers, in the andrew lang version "red" is eaten which is the worst possible outcome of talkin to a stranger, death... but you still get the same idea in little golden hood which the horrible  ending. so I like the little golden hood story alittle better.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Dear mr wolf.

I fink you should have called da police once da first piggy died, dat way you not look guilty but you eated him so dat was bad and den you did it again to da next piggy so da was bad again and den you tried to break down da next piggys door and dat not right niether so i fink you should be in time out for like 10 mins! and trust me ten mins is a long long long time! and next time just go buy da sugar at da store cuz you nabors are rude!

da little girl down da street.